Former presidential aide, Reno Omokri has blasted Africans celebrating the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin for offering African leaders a ride in limousines during their visit to the country.
Gists9ja recalls that Putin had hosted some African leaders in St. Petersburg, Russia on Friday.
However, it seems that Omokri was not pleased with the outcome of the summit.
He berated Africans who attached any form of importance to the limousine ride Putin gave the presidents.
The political aide lamented that it was shallow to think that way, wondering if the continents problem are cars.
Speaking via Instagram, he wrote, “And then there are those Africans who celebrated that Putin gave our leaders limousines to ride in while the British bussed them all together in one big coach. Are we that shallow as a people? Are cars Africa’s problem? If they are, then I invite those ‘Yessa Massa’ so called leaders to Nnewi in Nigeria, where an African like them manufactures entirely made in Nigeria cars. If they want them in limousine format, complete with bulletproof, IVM motors can do it. They do not have to go to Russia to enjoy luxury vehicles.
“On January 11, 1976, the late General Murtala Ramat Muhammed addressed the heads of state and government of the then Organisation for African Unity (now the African Union) and said, “Africa has come of age”. Seven years later this looked to be true when God gave us a leader like Thomas Sankara.
“If only both of them could see how their successor African leaders went a-grovelling in Russia in 2023. Murtala would not have been content to roll in his grave. He would have resurrected to give them a taste of his legendary anger and some feisty brain and destiny setting slaps. Leaders that can be bought for the price of a luxury car, are those leaders?
“Are those celebrating Africans aware that Western leaders are also bussed together during the G-7 summits? Many of those same Western leaders either walk or bike to work. An example is the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte. And in 2023, we are celebrating cars as if we have never seen them before.”