Happy Birthday to Chief Solomon IGWULU, The Eze-Ugo of Umutu, one of our highly esteemed Symbols and Ambassadors of INTEGRITY AND PATRIOTISM of our time when there’s a high quotient integrity deficit in our society.
Life is not to be measured by the large acquisition of material wealth such as a high number of mansions , exotic cars in one’s garage, not even a good number of children or wives. Life in essence ought to be measured in particular, by the level of impact made in the lives of the individuals around us and on the society in general.
Chief Solomon IGWULU is a perfect example of this philosophy of life. He is a philanthropist per excellence, a man of high sense of Integrity and Patriotism. As a group, we are delighted to identify this great personality on his Birthday. We wish Chief Solomon IGWULU all the best he ever wished himself. We shout from the roof tops, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY., LONG LIFE AND PROSPERITY.