Blueprints on Zoological Parks and Botanical Gardens Bills: Sir Azuka Okwuosa’s Push for Preventing Mysterious Deaths in Anambra South

Blueprints on Zoological Parks and Botanical Gardens Bills: Sir Azuka Okwuosa's Push for Preventing Mysterious Deaths in Anambra South

Overtime, there have been daunting cases of sudden and unexplainable deaths especially ‘slumping and dying’ and it appears orthodox medicine has been abysmally failing us in this regard.

There have been evidential proofs of increased benefits of spending more time in nature and leaving technology behind such as improved short term memory, enhanced working memory, better problem solving, greater creativity, lower levels of stress and higher feelings of positive well being.

Chinyelugo intends going to the Senate armed with bills that will ensure functional zoological parks and botanical gardens in the zone and Anambra state for he knows that being in nature can reduce stress and improve mood; Gardens can encourage physical activity; Gardens can stimulate interest in learning about plants, gardening, and medicine; Gardens can help conserve endangered plant species and benefit pollinators and Gardens can help build community spirit and civic pride. He is equally aware that nature-based experiences at zoos can reduce stress; zoos can help improve mental health; zoos can help conserve endangered species; zoos can educate people about animals and their natural habitats and zoos can offer volunteering programs that can help people develop skills like communication and self-confidence.

One death, too many! Let’s reconnect to nature with Chinyelugo’s bills on zoos and botanical gardens before we all go into extinction!

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Let’s support Sir Azuka Okwuosa for quality Representation in the Hallowed Red Chambers of the National Assembly.


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About the Author: Gists9ja

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