Why S3x Is Important In Keeping Your Relationship In 2023

By Biodun Busari 

Many people are already looking into making 2023 a better year for them and their spouse by enjoying s³x in their relationship.

One of the best ways to keep your marriage next year is to have and enjoy good s³x with your spouse. 

S³x therapists and relationship advisors say there are many benefits to having more s³x in your relationship.

Higher rates of s³xual activity are linked to positive changes, such as lower blood pressure, reduced stress, gives greater intimacy, and even a lower divorce rate.

When having s³x with your spouse, you can discuss about how to get over challenges you both face in marriage or other aspects. 

It is pertinent to note that your marriage has a great tendency to collapse if you and your partner are not having good s³x. 

You must talk about how to make your partner enjoy s³x, because it has to be enjoyed. Both of you can seek professional counseling if there are areas you need to improve in your sexual activity. 

Here a few reasons that you should know s³x is important in a relationship:

Feeling closer to your partner – findings show that s³x makes you feel closer to your partner. This, then, can help you bond and make your relationship and marriage a great one in 2023. 

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Showing affection to your partner – It is a means of telling your spouse that you love them when you have a fun and pleasurable s³x with them. 

Relieving stress – frequent s³x with your spouse makes brain chemicals released  including endorphins, which decrease irritability and feelings of depression. 

Research reveals that chronic stress may contribute to lower sex frequency. However, s³x can be an effective stress management technique. 

Better physical fitness – s³x is a form of exercise. According to the American Heart Association, s³xual activity is equivalent to moderate physical activities, like brisk walking or climbing two flights of stairs.

S³x can have a variety of benefits which will help you individually and makes your marital relationship a beautiful one. 

Having multiple s³x partners is a threat to your health. Enjoy good s³x with your spouse only and it can help support healthy relationships and may improve overall well-being. 

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About the Author: Gists9ja

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